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The Best Essential Oils for Sleep


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Can essential oils provide a better night's sleep?

Many essential oils may be used as an all-natural alternative to help with a good night's sleep. That's because smelling essential oils not only produces a sedative effect, but they may also have an effect on diminishing anxiety, lowering blood pressure, and relieving built-up stress. 

Essential oils are concentrated, which is what makes them so powerful. One of the most popular and easiest ways to use them is to put several drops in a diffuser, which then releases the oils into the air as a mist. Many essential oils have been proven in recent studies to have a variety of beneficial properties. Here are some of the most popular to use for sleep.

  • Cedarwood - Supports the function of the pineal gland, which releases melatonin, the hormone that promotes good sleep.
  • Lavender - One of the most popular essential oils, it's famous for its calming effects.
  • Frankincense - Has several functions, including balancing emotions, calming the mind, and supporting the body's response to healing, in addition to promoting sleep.
  • Other essential oils that are soothing and can promote sleep include Roman chamomileclary sage, sweet marjorampatchoulisandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang.

By combining several essential oils and placing them into a diffuser, you can get a range of beneficial effects. Here are two such blends.

Sweet Earth

This blend has an earthy yet sweet scent that promotes relaxation and restful sleep and creates a peaceful environment.

Rich Spice

Citrusy bergamot blends well with vetiver and frankincense, to provide a rich and spicy scent that is grounding.

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